Kwataniza Women Farmers Group (KWG)

Who we are

Kwataniza Women Farmers Group (KWG) is a women-led Community based Organizations (CBO) that is currently operating in Buseruka Sub-county, Hoima District.

Kwataniza Women Farmers Group was started by ten women in 2007, as a typical village group that aimed at creating unity, amplifying the voices of the rural women, and uplifting the social and economic livelihood of the rural women in Hoima District.

The aim was to unite and work together to create viable income-generating activities such as poultry keeping, goat rearing, fruit tree growing, beekeeping, and value addition, to boost our economic status, and have a common voice.

What we do

Income-Generating Activities

From poultry keeping, apiary, goat rearing to fruit tree cultivation, we equip women with the skills and resources they need to improve their livelihoods

Environmental Advocacy

As a partner in environmental conservation, we are committed to addressing environmental challenges and promoting sustainable practices in our community.

Capacity Building and Empowerment

We offer training programs and workshops that empower women to take leadership roles and make informed decisions about their futures.

Partner with us

Join our existing network of partners who contribute to our mission through funding, capacity building, and joint projects.


This is a staging environment