About Us

Kwataniza Women Farmers Group was started by ten women in 2007, as a typical village group that aimed at creating unity, amplifying the voices of the rural women, and uplifting the social and economic livelihood of the rural women in Hoima District.

The aim was to unite and work together to create viable income-generating activities such as poultry keeping, goat rearing, fruit tree growing, beekeeping, and value addition, to boost our economic status, and have a common voice.

We are a registered Community based organization with Hoima District Local Government and a member of the National Association of Women Organizations in Uganda as national umbrella For Women Organizations in Uganda

We are also a member of many Networks which include among others Bunyoro Albertine Petroleum Network on Environmental Conservation (BAPENECO), National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE), Avocats Sans Frontieres (ASF), Women Human Rights Defenders network Uganda (WHRDS-U) and a local partner of Global Rights Alert (GRA) and Civic Response to environment and Development (CRED).

At the moment, we work with American Jewish World Service as our development partners and Global Greengrant Fund which has enabled us to have up-to-date audited books of accounts and the general effective running of our organization.

Our Vision

A society where women harness full potential for improved livelihoods

Our Mission

To promote and enhance women in social Economic and political aspects for improved welfare.

Our Core Values

Our Objectives

Strategic Objectives

Our Governing bodies

Our Target group and primary beneficiaries

Our main targets are the rural women, the youth, and people living with disabilities in Hoima District.

This is a staging environment